When I am assigned to take a portrait,
I meet the person for a conversation and bring my camera along.
Wenn ich ein Portrait machen darf,
verabrede ich mich zu einem Gespräch und habe meine Kamera dabei.
Wiebke Cravaack, web-specialist
Matthias Schweighöfer,actor, for SWR Doppelpfeil-magazine
Antje Pugnat, fashion-designer
Inger-Maria Mahlke, writer
Mariana Leky, poet
Tilman Ramstedt, poet
Stephan Hentschel and Cookie, Cookies Cream, Restaurant in Berlin
Yolanda Rother, Co-Founder of The Impact Company, Berlin
Dr. Clemens Goldberg, musician and radiohost
Eva Beneke, musician
Gilad Hochman, composer
Armin Rohde, actor
Dieter Bohlen, musician
Guido Maria Kretschmer, fashion-designer
Sebastian Koch, actor, for Doppelpfeil, SWR-magazine
André Butzer, artist
Max Dudler, architect
Franz Beckenbauer, soccerplayer, in Samoa 2000
Desiree Nosbusch, actress
Dagmar Hirche, Entrepreneur and social activist
Ekaterina Skladmann, artist
Wolfgang Schäuble, politician
Prof Dr. Lorraine Daston, Historian of Science, for Gerda Henkel Stiftung ©
Bookseller in Biarritz
Michele Gauler, Illustration + Psychologie
Wolf Lieser, founder of DAM Projects, Berlin
Dunja Hayali, journalist